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Showing posts with label WEIGHT LOSS GOALS. Show all posts

Sunday, April 4, 2010

My first weight loss day starts .... TOMORROW (officially)!

I am soo tired of feeling frumpy and not able to fit into any clothes. I am eager to start my weight loss plan. This is a weight loss plan that I have created myself. I have taken several Health and Nutrition classes on a collegiate level and I have taken notes on what I need to do to improve my diet. I need to be able to successfully stick with whatever plan I have for 60 days ... again SIXTY DAYS!! Really, I don't know and I am a little nervous about how this will happen for me since I kind of have a problem with sticking with one thing. I get bored REALLY easily and when it comes to weight loss, I know I am going to have to try REALLY REALLY hard to stick with it. I will do my very best and that is all I can say about that.

Well, I will start off by saying why I want to lose 60 pounds. Currently I am approximately 170 pounds, I am 5'5" tall and I have a short neck. I am not super fat or anything, I am just not used to seeing myself look like this. Based on a random height to weight chart, my target weight is somewhere between 120 pounds to 140 pounds. I am personally shooting for 120 pounds. A little about my background: I have grown up very active in sports and dance teams. I would rather dance or play sports rather than eat. The most I have ever weighed from Junior High School to College has been 135 pounds. At 135 pounds, I thought I was the fattest person I had ever seen. I would cry every day thinking that I was fat, so then I would exercise everyday, all day until I lost the necessary weight. Well, as time went on and I began to not have time to be as active as I used to. I used to run track, play volleyball, football, soccer, ballet, karate, swimming, tennis, kickball, cheerleading, dance, drill team, etc.. Anything that was active, you could count me in. Now, I have multiple jobs and I have not been able to concentrate on my weight like I would want to. Thus, spare tires have accumulated around my waist.

Now, I am tired of sitting at my computer and having my stomach REST on my lap. I am ready to make a change. As the saying goes, "nothing to it but to do it". How hard does that sound? Pretty easy to me. So, bright and early tomorrow, I begin my quest to loose 50 pounds in 60 days. I hope I have some followers, if not, I have no problem doing it on my own.


Day 0 - 170 pounds  - 60 days remaining

** 1 DAY AT A TIME **